Builders of the Adytum
Equinox Message
Planetary Influences in 2020
March, 2020
While the turmoil in the world seems to be intensifying as the old world order disintegrates, it is informative to consider the planetary influences converging on us this year. 2020 started with five planets in Capricorn, and strong planetary groupings will continue their influence throughout most of the year.
At the March equinox, Mars, Pluto, Jupiter and Saturn will all be in very close proximity to each other in the earthy sign Capricorn, associated with worldly affairs, big business and finance. These are the areas that seem globally to be out of alignment with the Aquarian Age themes of harmony, goodwill and concern for one’s fellow man. In addition to these, the Moon (Tarot Key 2, the Uniting Intelligence) also joins this group just before the equinox.
All the planets mentioned are within a very narrow band of eight degrees or “conjunction,” and this focused association with each other displays certain characteristics according to the nature of each planet. Conjunctions intensify the combined energies, and the interaction can stimulate significant changes in the consciousness of mankind. And we know that to have evolutionary change, the race mind must change!
Most significant is the tight conjunction of Pluto (Tarot Key 20) with Saturn (Tarot Key 21). Pluto, considered the “higher octave” of Mars, is related to the destruction of the coffins of error that hold us in bondage. The outer planet Pluto is a generational planet; and it primarily portends great transformational changes in world matters and race consciousness, changes that affect us all macrocosmically.
The interaction of Pluto and Mars (Tarot Key 16) with the other planets in the configuration indicates that there are likely to be explosive reactions that will bring about the destruction of outworn conditions, but will also give the impetus for new beginnings. The influence of Jupiter (Tarot Key 10) indicates that these outcomes are ultimately of a beneficent nature. It will be interesting to observe just what effect these planetary influences have on the world stage during this time period.
Microcosmically, we are also personally impacted by these strong energies. As aspirants on the Path of Return, we should choose our responses to these influences very consciously, not reacting with the normal fear and anxiety of the masses, but by using our tools of Tarot and Qabalah to react creatively and constructively to these intractable forces. This is what we are being trained to do.
Being born on the cusp of a New Age brings incredible gifts along with the turmoil, gifts that we bear the responsibility of safeguarding and developing for all mankind. No one ever told us the Aquarian Age would be easy! But oh, what an opportunity for growth! ...for ourselves, and for planet Earth. Let us be grateful for these gifts, and that we are here now to enjoy their rewards.
Working together in Love and L.V.X.,
The Builders of the Adytum